Define, validate, and triage customer problems.

Voyce shows you exactly what your customers care about and where your biggest opportunities lie. Focus on fixing the critical issues first, leaving the rest for later.

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Understand why  problems are problems.
Understanding the problem is key in finding the best solution. Voyce guides you towards crafting tight problem statements that ensure everyone understands the problem at hand, making the ideation process more robust.
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Keep problems aligned with customer feedback.
Link your defined problems back to insights to make sure they stay aligned with user feedback. Easily contact users who experienced that problem for more detailed feedback.
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Triage problems the smart way.
Estimate the impact and severity of individual problems so you can see which, when fixed, offer the best value to your users and business. No more cumbersome calculations - simple metrics that everyone can understand.
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See the complete picture.
Voyce cleverly links your insights, problems, and solutions together, so you can see exactly what relates to what.
Save the thinking for the ideas...not the UI.
Voyce is built from the ground up without the feature bloat that will only slow you down - you won’t need tooltips scattered around or complicated help pages to explain how things work. Use it how you’d expect it to work.
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Solving problems works better when done as a team.
Using your whole team to define problems and map back to insights keeps everyone focused, informed and engaged. It also makes sure that diverse perspectives on client needs and preferences are included, leading to more effective and customer-centric solutions.
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