Voyce is a simple, fast, and uncluttered alternative to Google Forms.

A great alternative to Google Forms - Why Voyce is the smarter way to collect customer feedback.

Voyce's emphasis on simplicity, real-time feedback, and personal engagement makes it the superior alternative to Google Forms for managing customer feedback.

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For small businesses looking for efficient ways to gather customer feedback, the choice of an online tool can greatly impact the quality and quantity of responses received.

Google Forms has been a popular choice for many due to its familiar interface and variety of question types. However, as the demand for a more streamlined and engaging feedback process grows, alternative tools like Voyce Feedback are emerging as strong contenders.

Dive into our comparison below to better understand the unique advantages and challenges of both Google Forms and Voyce, especially if you're a small business keen on understanding your customers' insights:

Voyce Feedback:

  • Engaging Feedback Form: Unlike the more generic approach of Google Forms, Voyce ensures customers are more likely to complete their feedback by keeping things simple with just two questions. These questions are meticulously crafted to guarantee actionable insights.
  • Simplicity and Efficiency: Google Forms, while versatile, can sometimes be over-complicated. Voyce stands out with its user-centric design, ensuring higher response rates and an efficient experience for both businesses and their customers.
  • Real-Time Insights: A defining feature of Voyce is its real-time feedback collection, allowing businesses to quickly identify and rectify issues, something that Google Forms does not prioritize.
  • Effective Feedback Management: With Voyce, feedback seamlessly integrates into the system for effortless organization. This contrasts with Google Forms, where manual management might become tedious.
  • Ease of Setup: Voyce simplifies the process by just requiring a link share, while setting up Google Forms may require a deeper dive into form configurations.
  • Engagement and Showcasing: Voyce emphasizes relationship-building, allowing for direct engagement with respondents and spotlighting positive feedback as testimonials, an area where Google Forms falls short.

Google Forms:

  • Variety: Google Forms' array of question types can be both a boon and a bane, potentially confusing businesses with too many choices for straightforward feedback needs.
  • Template Dependency: While having templates can be convenient, it might also inhibit creativity and make businesses overly reliant on pre-set designs.
  • Delayed Engagement: Google Forms does not emphasize real-time engagement, leading to potential delays in gathering and acting on feedback.
  • Technical Familiarity: While usable, Google Forms necessitates some degree of technical know-how for optimum configuration.
  • Lack of Personal Touch: Google Forms offers a more sterile, form-based interaction, missing out on the personalized engagement benefits that Voyce provides.


Both Google Forms and Voyce offer unique features which cater to different business needs.

Google Forms might appeal to those looking for variety and familiarity, but it does come with certain limitations, especially for small businesses eager to foster deeper customer relationships.

Voyce, with its emphasis on simplicity, real-time feedback, and personal engagement, emerges as a compelling option for those businesses. Ultimately, the choice should align with what best serves your business objectives and customer engagement goals.

Voyce is free to use to collect customer and client feedback - no gotchas or credit cards required. Give it a go - we think you’ll love using it to discover what your customers think.

Check out these other comparisons for collecting customer feedback:

How Voyce helps...
A range of product insights can be collated.

Capture and centralize your customer insights.

Voyce is a beautiful repository for all your customer research, insights & feedback.
Organize problems by severity and scope to help find those that should be fixed first.

Define, validate, and triage customer problems.

Link and convert your insights into clearly defined problems, to find the 'why?', and identify those that are critical to solve.
Easily generate multiple solutions to the problems you've identified.

Discover opportunities and build the right things.

Create smarter solutions that deliver real value and delight your customers. Understand when to say 'go' or 'no'.