Feature Updates

Stay up to date with the latest changes and improvements being made to Voyce.

22 February 2024

Workspace Dashboard Provides Hub for Enhanced Collaboration.

  • v1 of the workspace dashboard is now out for all users. See all important changes across a workspace in one place and easily create new insights, problems, and solutions.
  • See recently received customer feedback and click to view feedback details. Makes it easier to see what customers are saying in real-time without navigating to your Voyce Feedback folder.
  • View recently created insights, problems, and solutions alongside newly created and edited comments. Easily stay up-to-date with changes being made by your entire team.
21 February 2024

New Updates for Seamless Feedback Management.

  • There's now a mobile-friendly view for Insights, Problems, and Solutions. Stay in the loop on customer insights and team updates right from your mobile device. No need to be tethered to your desktop anymore.
  • Positive and Negative feedback emails have been revamped to make your life easier. You'll now find the magic question and the feedback itself right in your inbox, along with helpful tips for handling different types of feedback.
  • We've added a bar chart that shows feedback sentiment over the last 90 days. Available on the Voyce Feedback page in each workspace, it gives you a quick overview of the positive-to-negative feedback ratio from your customers.
21 December 2023

Improvements to the New Member Welcome email.

  • We want new Voyce members to not only feel welcome but also able to get a sense for how they can use Voyce to make their lives easier. So we improved the New Member Welcome email by improving some of the language and adding a section explaining how to get started with Voyce Feedback. Done!
21 December 2023

Renaming and deleting workspaces.

  • Dashboard getting a bit wild and out of control? Too many workspaces? Use the gear icon on the main workspaces page to rename and delete workspaces. Use descriptive names to reflect the part of your business you're focused on, the specific audience your gathering feedback from, or the event you're currently improving.
3 December 2023

Improvements to sharing and Voyce Feedback.

  • You can now invite team members to join a workspace from an individual insight, problem, or solution card, and copy a link to that specific card on the way through (look for the 'Share' button on a card). This makes it easy to link a team member directly to the details view of a card. Give it a try!
  • The number of insights received from users and customers through Voyce Feedback is now displayed on the workspace card. Click this link to navigate directly to your Voyce Feedback panel, where you can read what's new.
  • We've added the 'magic question' to the top of the Voyce Feedback list: "If you could change or improve one thing what would it be?" It's just a static field, but we've found it sometimes helps keep the context of this question in mind when reviewing what users and customers are saying.
21 November 2023

Image Scribble makes it easier to communicate the fussy details.

  • Image Scribble is now available to everyone. Simply upload an image or paste a screenshot off the clipboard directly into a Voyce Insight, Problem, or Solution, and use the 'Scribble on this' button to quickly and easily mark-up and add simple annotations to explain what the heck is going on.
  • It's now super-easy to record details of the problems you see or changes you want to make, directly in Voyce, while you're adding a new card.
8 November 2023

Making emails more functional.

  • The 'New feedback received' email is a bit simpler now, which makes it a bit more readable.
  • Emails sent to team members when a new Insight, Problem, or Idea/Solution is created have been given a tidy up to make them easier to digest. The title of the new item is now included in the email to give you more information, and we've also added the name of the team member that added the new item.
  • The full comment and the name of the person commenting are now included in the 'New comment' email, and we're now also sending an email to let you know when a team member has accepted your invitation to join your workspace.
12 October 2023

Rich text editing arrives for Problems, Insights, and Solutions.

  • You can now mark-up descriptions for Insights, Problems, and Solutions using rich text. Who cares I hear you ask. We do! We want you to be able to capture notes and ideas in Voyce that simply and clearly convey what you're thinking. When you're capturing an insight, documenting a problem, or defining a solution, mark up your text in the description field using bulleted lists, checkboxes, embedded hyperlinks, code snippets, blockquotes, and the usual formatting suspects like bold, underline, and italics. Go wild, but don't tell your parents.
22 September 2023

Perfectionist much? UI changes and improvements.

  • Rolling up and letting you know about a whole lot of little UI improvements we've been making. We'll leave you to discover the details, but these include: links to helpful information when enabling your Voyce Feedback form; adding a progress spinner to make the UI more responsive; improvements to card aesthetics to improve readability; alignment of buttons when creating a new workspace; (reeeally) long words wrap better in the issues modal; and changes to the display of issue titles to really make them pop!
29 August 2023

Commenting on an issue now generates an email too.

  • An email is now sent to workspace collaborators when a teammate comments on an issue. No surprises!
28 August 2023

Turbocharge your collaboration with workspace emails! ✉✉

  • Okay. Slightly hyperbolic headline there. But still, we're pretty excited to announce we've added workspace emails to help your stay across what your teammates are up to. Now you get an email when a workspace collaborator adds an Insight, Problem, or Idea/Solution. Never feel left out again!
  • Also get an email when a workspace receives new Voyce Feedback.
3 August 2023

A more intuitive layout for defining problems.

  • We've made defining problems easier, simpler, and more accurate. Free-text problem definition has been removed in favor of a better looking structured problem definition form. This makes it easier to capture the specific information you need to tightly define problems, without unnecessary fluff getting in the way.
20 July 2023

A problem shared is a problem halved - invite your team!

  • We've added the ability to invite your team members into a workspace to collaborate! Simply click the 'Invite team members' link alongside a workspace on the main Workspaces page, and enter the email address of the teammate to invite. Once they accept the emailed invitation they'll be able to review and edit all the Insights, Problems, and Solutions/Ideas in your workspace.
  • This is just the pointy end of what we have planned for collaboration tools so please let us know what you think!
12 July 2023

Better onboarding, screenshots added to Problems & Solutions, UI improvements.

  • We've extended Voyce's onboarding sequence by adding an email introducing Voyce Feedback. Simply follow the link in this new email to get started collecting feedback and insights from customers.
  • Numerous small optimizations have been made to detail and edit screens in Voyce, to help you enter information quicker and more efficiently.
  • You can now upload screenshots for both Problems and Ideas/Solutions (previously you could do this for Insights only). This is a great way to keep track visually of the problems you've distilled from insights, and  the solutions you're actively experimenting with. Upload away!
5 July 2023

Collaboration features #1.

  • We're actively developing the collaboration features we want in these early versions of Voyce, and these features will be developed and released iteratively until they're all out. In this release we've added links on the workspaces page to show how many of your team members are collaborating in each Voyce workspace. You can click this link to see the names and roles (limited atm) of each team member, remove others from a workspace, or choose to leave a workspace that you've been invited to. More coming soon!
13 June 2023

First release of Voyce Feedback.

  • Set up a private channel for customers to send feedback directly into your Voyce workspace. Customize with your own logo, share the URL with your Facebook or Twitter audience, embed in your sales process, or request feedback from specific users and customers with an email template. Make it easy for your customers to help you improve your business.
23 May 2023

Drag & drop sorting for cards, and keyboard shortcuts (beta).

  • You can now drag & drop cards to set an explicit sort order within a view. This ordering is then remembered independently for each combination of workspace, card type, and folder, to give you the most flexibility in how you arrange your cards. More sort orders will be coming soon.
  • We want to make it slippery smooth for you to be able to get ideas and content into Voyce so we've added the first few keyboard shortcuts to app. We'll add a separate cheat-sheet shortly but for now, try using CTRL + I, S, or P to navigate between card types, and N to create a new card. Definitely first cut, and more shortcuts to come soon!
19 May 2023

Better onboarding.

  • We want to make it as easy as possible for you to find your feet inside Voyce, so we've added a new page to the end of the initial setup process. You only see this page once, when you create your new account, but it helps you to find your way to the feature that will help you the most depending on what you're trying to do. 📧 and let us know if it's useful, or not!
17 May 2023

Small improvements to a couple of UI elements and our onboarding cards.

  • We've improved the languages on the default 'Tip' cards for insights to better reflect the feature-set as it currently exists in this version of Voyce.
  • Cosmetic changes to the display of the screenshots on insight cards - the gray background has been removed for a cleaner look.
  • We have increased the width of the large card modal from 880px to 1000px. More room to breathe.
13 May 2023

Workspaces now get default cards created.

  • When you create a new workspace we now create a few default cards in the insights, problems, and solutions views to help you get started. If you don't need them it's ok to press delete - nothing will break. The cards are just there to remind you of all the things you can do in the system.
12 May 2023

Hypothesis tweaked, and onboarding modal added.

  • We've made some minor improvements to the layout of the example hypothesis phrases in the solutions modal, including making the preformatted sentence a bit shorter and easier to read.
  • On onboarding modal has been added to the app. It will display on the workspaces page until the blue button is clicked to dismiss it, and just let's users know what's in the app and what's coming soon. The current modal will be removed as soon as we release all v1 features.
10 May 2023

Images, file sizes, and mobile devices.

  • We fixed a 🐞 that was affecting screenshots. Even large images are now displayed correctly full screen.
  • Added a bit more guidance around maximum file sizes for screenshots and file attachments, and improved the validation error messages.
  • Added a page for users visiting the Voyce app on devices with smaller screens. Because we're not full supporting mobile device screen sizes just yet, and we don't want you to have a bad experience, we invite you back using a desktop browser after you've registered.
9 May 2023

Settings menu change, and Poppins is poppin'.

  • Lifted the Settings menu 'up' from within a workspace to the top level 'Workspaces' page. Now you can log out of Voyce without having to click into a workspace first.
  • We liked the look of the Poppins font so much we've standardized on using it everywhere. This makes the Voyce app more consistent with the look of our web site, and cleans up our original use of Roboto in some places.
5 May 2023

Pre-release version of Voyce is now available.

  • We've opened access to a very early 'pre-release' version of Voyce. If you're interested in a early look you can now create an account at https://app.simplyvoyce.com/sign-up/
  • Screens for managing and linking insights, problems, and solutions are all there, along with card management features like folders and tagging.
  • There's a lot of work still to do, but it's important to us that we take feedback from the community early and often. If you have thoughts on what we can do better, email us at hello@simplyvoyce.com.
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