10 Places to Capture Customer Insights Using Your Voyce Feedback Form

Posted by TJ on 1 August 2023

Sharing your Voyce feedback form in the right places can make all the difference when it comes to capturing valuable insights. Voyce provides a straightforward link for you to share, offering you immense flexibility and creativity in where and how you collect feedback from your customers.

Here are 10 examples where you might consider linking to your Voyce Feedback Form:

1. Direct emails

By far the simplest and most common way to share your Voyce feedback form! Simply send an email to your customers. We’ve templated an email for you within Voyce, so simply copy, paste, tweak, and send!

A mock showing Voyce Feedback linked from a direct email.

2. Social Media Posts

Social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Instagram can be a great place to share your Voyce Feedback form, particularly if you have an engaged following. Share a link to immediately start gathering customer insights.

A mock showing Voyce Feedback linked from social media.

3. Online Invoices/Receipts

Including a link to the feedback form on an invoice or receipt is a very effective method for collecting insights. If there is one place to spend some effort setting up, this is it - as once it’s set up, it keeps on working gathering targeted insights from your customers.

A mock showing Voyce Feedback linked from the footer of an email.

4. Business Cards

Depending on what your business offers, adding a QR code linking to Voyce Feedback form on the back of your card is a great way to capture ways you can improve your offering or service.

A mock showing Voyce Feedback linked from a business card.

5. Physical Receipts

Just like the above, but in the real physical world! Including a link to the feedback form at the bottom of receipt can be an easy method to target customers who have bought from you.

A mock showing Voyce Feedback linked from a receipt.

6. SMS/Text Messages

If you have permission to send text messages to your customers, an SMS could be a convenient way for them to receive and complete your Voyce Feedback form.

A mock showing a Voyce Feedback link being sent in an SMS.

7. Websites/Apps

Add a floating button of link to your Voyce Feedback forms directly on your website or app to start gathering useful product intel. Ideally add it to display only for signed in customers as they are the ones who are more likely to offer valuable product insights you can action.

A mock showing Voyce Feedback linked from a website.

8. Post-Purchase Pop-ups

On your website or in your digital service, pop-ups can appear once a customer has completed a purchase, inviting them to provide feedback.

A mock showing Voyce Feedback linked from a receipt.

9. Customer Success Interactions

Your Customer Success team members can share your Voyce Feedback form after resolving customer issues or inquiries. This could be done via email, chat, or over the phone.

10. Newsletters

If your business regularly sends out newsletters, digital or printed, including a link or QR code to your Voyce Feedback form can help garner responses.

Get your own private customer feedback channel.

A mock of Voyce Feedback in action.

Begin harnessing valuable customer input regarding your product or service with Voyce Feedback. This intuitive wee tool delivers all responses directly into Voyce Insights, a platform designed for efficient discussion, organization, and prioritization of the feedback you receive. Start making the most of your customer's insights today.

  • Get valuable insights into what your customers love.
  • Discover new opportunities.
  • React to customer pain points... fast.
  • Build the right things.
  • Zero setup - just share and collect feedback!
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